король всех гор окрестных

Wake up in the mornin’ feelin’ like T. Hiddy
Grab my cloak I’m out the door I’m gonna rule this city
Before I leave grab my staff and my helmet of brass
‘Cause when I leave for the fight I’m gonna kick some ass

I’m talkin’ destruction in all the roads roads
Makin’ a bunch of clones clones
Avengers up in my coat coat
Kick boxin’ and castin’ my favorite magicks
Thor’s gonna get his ass kicked
My plans are gonna win this

Don’t stop, freeze the cops
Loki’s pullin’ out all the stops
Tonight Ima fight til I blast that Hawkeye
Tick Tock goes the clock til Loki’s on top, oh
Oh whoa uh oh
Oh whoa uh oh

Don’t stop, freeze the cops
Loki’s pullin’ out all the stops
Tonight Ima fight til I blast that Hawkeye
Tick Tock goes the clock til Loki’s on top, oh
Oh whoa uh oh
Oh whoa uh oh

Ain’t got a family in this realm, but got plenty of Fury
Ain’t got a hammer in my hand, but what’s the hurry?
And now the ‘Vengers are linin’ up ‘cause they hear we got Stark
But we freeze ‘em to the wall unless they got the All-Spark

I’m talkin’ ‘bout Bruce gon’ be goin’ Hulk Hulk
All the Captain does is sulk sulk
Coulson gets his donuts in bulk bulk

How how they ‘spect to beat me now now
When I control the town town
The Avengers are goin’ down down
Avengers are goin’ down

Don’t stop, freeze the cops
Loki’s pullin’ out all the stops
Tonight Ima fight til I blast that Hawkeye
Tick Tock goes the clock til Loki’s on top, oh
Oh whoa uh oh
Oh whoa uh oh

Don’t stop, freeze the cops
Loki’s pullin’ out all the stops
Tonight Ima fight til I blast that Hawkeye
Tick Tock goes the clock til Loki’s on top, oh
Oh whoa uh oh
Oh whoa uh oh

Odin, you lie to me, you tell me no
The truth I found it on my own

Put your hands up
I rule you now
I am your king
Get on your knees

You lie to me, you tell me no
The truth I found it on my own

I am your king
Get on your knees
Get on your knees

Now the destruction don’t stop til I rule all

Don’t stop, freeze the cops
Loki’s pullin’ out all the stops
Tonight Ima fight til I blast that Hawkeye
Tick Tock goes the clock til Loki’s on top, oh
Oh whoa uh oh
Oh whoa uh oh

Don’t stop, freeze the cops
Loki’s pullin’ out all the stops
Tonight Ima fight til I blast that Hawkeye
Tick Tock goes the clock til Loki’s on top, oh
Oh whoa uh oh
Oh whoa uh oh

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