02.03.2012 в 21:36
Пишет Alannalish:Лучший злодей года!!
URL записиЛоки, в исполнении Тома нашего Хиддлстона, стал лучшим злодеем года!) Обогнав при этом самого Волдеморта!! Возрадуемся вместе))
Winner: Loki, from Thor
Second place: Voldemort, from Harry Potter | Third place: Ghostface, from Scream 4
Shock upset! Lord Voldemort has spent ten years and eight movies chasing after that infernal Harry Potter, and despite all his evildoing, still didn't rate as villainous as Tom Hiddlestone's Loki on the bad-o-meter. Perhaps it was the anticipation of seeing Thor's villain again in this summer's The Avengers that swayed your hand towards Loki, or maybe it was just Hiddlestone's stone-cold performance that won the day. Either way, Ghostface couldn't compete.
Winner: Loki, from Thor
Second place: Voldemort, from Harry Potter | Third place: Ghostface, from Scream 4
Shock upset! Lord Voldemort has spent ten years and eight movies chasing after that infernal Harry Potter, and despite all his evildoing, still didn't rate as villainous as Tom Hiddlestone's Loki on the bad-o-meter. Perhaps it was the anticipation of seeing Thor's villain again in this summer's The Avengers that swayed your hand towards Loki, or maybe it was just Hiddlestone's stone-cold performance that won the day. Either way, Ghostface couldn't compete.