Take me on the floor (dadada da dadadada) I can't take it any more (dadada da dadadada) I want you, I want you, I want you to show me love Just take me on the floor (dadada da dadadada) I can give you more (dadada da dadadada) You kill me, you kill me, you kill me with your touch
-что это за шрам на твоей груди? -здесь врагу удалось достать. под полуденным солнцем в святой земле я мешал ему отступать. -а вот этот, тонкий, над бровью, шрам? -он побед моих торжество. не в девичьих пальцах кинжал дрожал, ужас плелся в глазах его. -красотой отличается тот, у рта. -он остался с далеких дней. на коня неумело влезая, я богом матери был моей. -что вот этот, у пальца, скрывает вновь? -неужели не вспомнишь сам? разве я на охоте упал с коня, разве я заслужил быть там? -а три шрама тончайшие на спине, разве тыл для врага не скрыт? -зимним днем показалось в мессине мне, что и я заслужил молитв.
король-трубадур растворяет в словах поступков немыслимый яд. король-трубадур обернется назад, увидеть насколько он рад.
король-трубадур закрывает глаза и песню слагает в тиши. король-трубадур остается с войной и с кровью - о чем не пиши.
король-трубадур не оставит имен, и лэ не сумеет предать. король-трубадур все поет об одном и строки сжигает опять.
его беспощадные латы в крови его поднимают с промерзшей земли его осторожно кладут на кровать король-трубадур обречен умирать. гонцы загоняют своих скакунов Джон и улыбку-то скрыть не готов во Франции давит победу Филипп король-трубадур не достоин молитв.
король-да-и-нет растворяет в делах тех песен немыслимый мед. король-да-и-нет похоронен на днях, король-трубадур ждет.
TOM HIDDLESTON Captain Nicholls, the officer who buys Joey and takes him to war
In the screenplay Nicholls is described as a "handsome, modest, upper-class man" when he first appears knowledgeably inspecting Joey at the livestock auction. With that as a starting point, Hiddleston read Siegfried Sassoon's first volume of autobiography to research the life of a gentleman soldier at the start of the 20th century.
"These guys were amateurs, they knew how to ride but weren't professional soldiers in the way we understand now," he says. "They were innocent and ignorant, confronted by the new technology used by the Germans. It was men with swords against machine guns."
Hiddleston, 30, had ridden "inexpertly" on "big old western saddles" in America, so had to get used to a different style of riding. "There is nothing like the feeling of galloping at 40mph on a living being." His improved horsemanship came in handy in BBC's forthcoming Henry V: "It's nice when the director asks me to gallop up that hill and I can just go off and do it." Last year, he displayed his versatility as the villain Loki in Kenneth Branagh's Thor and F Scott Fitzgerald in Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris.
BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH Major Stewart, the dedicated cavalry officer
An extraordinary run continues for Cumberbatch. In addition to establishing himself as a modern Sherlock to be reckoned with in the hit BBC TV series, he was also a key member of the lauded cast of last year's Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy movie.
"To go to work every day with such high-calibre actors was a joy," he says. "I had to pinch myself, raise my game and get on with it. And when I got a call to meet Steven Spielberg, it's just the same – stiffen the sinews and be on your mettle, though he's such a relaxed man that you feel very cared for."
Cumberbatch, 35, has since returned to the trenches for a five-part series based on Ford Madox Ford's Quartet, written for the screen by Tom Stoppard and co-starring Rebecca Hall.
"I nearly got blown up by a device the other week," he says. "With War Horse, and now this, I've spent quite a lot of time immersed in the Great War recently, but you never quite get used to imagining how it must have been for men my age 100 years or so ago, thrown into this horror. It's a duty as an actor to respect their memory in a way, and you do feel an almost patriotic pressure to get it true and right."
I'm coming out of my cage And I’ve been doing just fine Gotta gotta be down Because I want it all It started out with a kiss How did it end up like this It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss Now I’m falling asleep And she’s calling a cab While he’s having a smoke And she’s taking a drag Now they’re going to bed And my stomach is sick And it’s all in my head But she’s touching his—chest Now, he takes off her dress Now, let me go
And I just can’t look its killing me And taking control Jealousy, turning saints into the sea Swimming through sick lullabies Choking on your alibis But it’s just the price I pay Destiny is calling me Open up my eager eyes ‘Cause I’m Mr Brightside
I’m coming out of my cage And I’ve been doing just fine Gotta gotta be down Because I want it all It started out with a kiss How did it end up like this It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss Now I’m falling asleep And she’s calling a cab While he’s having a smoke And she’s taking a drag Now they’re going to bed And my stomach is sick And it’s all in my head But she’s touching his—chest Now, he takes off her dress Now, let me go
Cause I just can’t look its killing me And taking control Jealousy, turning saints into the sea Swimming through sick lullabies Choking on your alibis But it’s just the price I pay Destiny is calling me Open up my eager eyes ‘Cause I’m Mr Brightside